medical services

what we do

We are always ready to help you
& your family

We at Nidan hospital always strive to provide the best possible medical treatment to our patient aiming to achieve the highest possible success rate.


Intensive care units (ICUs) are specialist hospital wards that provide treatment and monitoring for people who are very ill


NICU stands for newborn intensive care unit. This is a nursery in a hospital that provides around-the-clock care to sick or premature babies.


An OPD is a hospital department designed to be a first contact point between the patient and the hospital staff. A Patient who goes first time to the hospital,


Inter-pupillary distance, the distance between the center of the pupils of the two eyes.

24X7 Ambulance Service

One can reach the national ambulance service by dialing 811 toll-free from any telephone in Trinidad and Tobago in cases of medical emergency.

free ambulance

Thirty years ago ambulance rides were generally provided free of charge, underwritten by taxpayers as a municipal service or provided by volunteers.

We at Nidan hospital always strive to provide the best possible medical treatment to our patient aiming to achieve the highest possible success rate.

why choose people like yoursite

our equipped team is able to support you!

We at Fortis always strive to provide the best possible medical treatment to our patient aiming to achieve the highest possible success rate.

first aid

nidan hospital


nidan hospital

24/7 ambulance

nidan hospital

qualified doctors

nidan hospital

medical pharmacy

nidan hospital


nidan hospital

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